What do you want?
Fantastic first novel tips, writing the other, getting poetry published, essential websites for writers and the 2021 newsletter survey.

A big wave to all new subscribers and a knowing nod of the head to the rest of you. This is your host Iain Broome with another edition of the very-popular-with-the people-who-actually-know-about-it Draft Mode newsletter.
Last week I asked you for your number one tip on getting writing done. I've had so many lovely responses and I'm still working through the emails. I'll reply soon!
This week I have some more questions for you. It's time for my not-quite-annual survey where I ask you what the heck you want from this newsletter. It's always helpful and I expect it will be this time too.
If you can spare me a minute, I'd love to know your thoughts.
Take the great Draft Mode survey 2021
Thanks and cuddles. Enjoy the ace content below.
PS Sneak preview of the results from my last survey in the image above. You can see the whole thing if you want.
Links of the week
Every issue I collect and share the best advice, apps and other shenanigans that I find on my internet travels. Find something useful? Subscribe for free.
8 Things I Wish I Knew When I was Writing my First Novel
Everything author and ever-popular YouTuber Hank Green says in this short video rings very true to me. Especially the point about time. It really is the problem with writing any kind of book. There are no shortcuts. You have to spend many, many hours on it. And that, as I suspect you know, fellow writer, is most inconvenient.
12 Fundamentals Of Writing "The Other" (And The Self)
This is something I've been thinking about a lot, recently. And though this piece is from 2014, it could not be more relevant today. How do you write from the perspective of someone who isn't you and doesn't have anything like your background? It isn't that you can't. It's whether you should. Is this your story to tell? I think that's a pretty good question to ask as a writer.
How to get your poetry published
A wonderfully matter-of-fact overview of what you need to do to get published as a poet. From how many poems are typically in a collection to the difference between a pamphlet and chapbook, it's all there in just a handful of paragraphs. Lovely stuff.
How James Clear is Writing His Next Book
As I sort of suggested last week, I'm not one for listening to any old productivity wonk. But this interview with author and productivity wonk, James Clear contains some useful nuggets on the writing process. You might want to steal them, tell people about them and become a productivity wonk yourself.
Found via Idea Economy newsletter
10 websites every writer should know about
You might know at least a few of these already, but take a look just in case there is something new and exciting for you. There's certainly some good stuff if you're in the querying phase of proceedings. The great outrage here, of course, is the absence of this very newsletter.
How to write a good first page
Some super writing advice here from Anna Davis over at Creative Brown Creative. Permission to add my own thoughts? Plausibility. Make sure what you're writing or describing is plausible – that it actually makes sense in the real world. This goes for all your writing, of course, but if you get it wrong on the first page then it's absolutely curtains.
Tweets of the week
Tweets are but maggots in the bottom of a putrid, hate-filled wheelie bin. But some of them are quite good. You can follow @iainbroome and @DraftMode on Twitter.
I really cannot amplify this enough - no agent or editor I know of could care less what age an author (female or otherwise) is. We just want great stories please and thank you. https://t.co/8j1vLxksbl
— Julia Silk (@juliasreading) September 20, 2021
— Vicky Newham (@VickyNewham) September 18, 2021
Lots of writers have DMed me about how to decide on which agents to query.
You guys are citing 3 main reasons for wanting info:
1) it's preventing you from starting the process
2) receiving rejections & wondering if didn't choose well
3) silence after querying
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Draft Mode is a weekly newsletter by Iain Broome, author of the novel, A is for Angelica. Join 1150+ subscribers and start receiving tools and tips that help you improve, publish and promote your writing. Subscribe for free.
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