Narrative kindling
Writing retreat updates, collecting story material, writing in present tense, Apple Notes tips, and NFTs for authors.

Here I am, a little later than advertised, sending you this week's edition of the Draft Mode newsletter. I'm Iain Broome by the way, if you're new. 👋
As planned, I am now a couple of days into my home writing retreat. You can check out my progress by reading Pieces, the pop-up newsletter I'm sending to 200+ people to document what I'm up to. Here's the back catalogue.
I hope you don't mind, but just for this week, I'm going to share my usual exciting links but with minimal commentary from me. Rest assured, it's all good stuff and I recommend you click away.
Normal programming should resume next week. Thanks for subscribing, reading and generally been ace!
PS That's one of several images I've posted to my Instagram account this week while I've been writing away. Follow if you fancy.
Links of the week
Every issue I collect and share the best advice, apps and other shenanigans that I find on my internet travels. Find something useful? Subscribe for free.
How to collect your narrative kindling
Really enjoyed this short video from author KM Elkes on how we gather bits and pieces that we use as 'narrative kindling' for our stories. It's one of a few author videos posted on the Comma Press YouTube channel recently.
How to Write a Novel in the Present Tense
I've been trying to work out which tense I should be using to write the novel I'm working on. This explainer of present tense from Masterclass is pretty handy.
9 Must-know tips for using Apple Notes better
As someone who recently moved from Bear to Apple Notes, I found this super useful and interesting. Link via For The Interested newsletter.
NFTs for Authors: Is This a Rush for Fool’s Gold?
Jane Friedman gives you a sensible explanation of NTFs and how they might work for authors. Or not, as is perhaps more likely.
How To Use Trello To Write A Book (Or To Survive As An Author)
Trello is a fantastic tool for organising just about anything. This article tells you how to plan and manage a book and even gives you a template to get started.
Tweets of the week
Tweets are but the brittle grey hairs on the world's worst beard. But some of them are quite good. You can follow @iainbroome and @DraftModeHQ on Twitter.

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Draft Mode is a weekly newsletter by Iain Broome, author of the novel, A is for Angelica. Join 1300+ subscribers and start receiving tools and tips that help you improve, publish and promote your writing. Subscribe for free.
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