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03: Come to my party

A big thank you to everyone who's bought A is for Angelica so far. We're having a launch party in Sheffield!

Iain Broome
Iain Broome
1 min read

It’s been another busy month, but extremely exciting.

The ebook version of A is for Angelica came out on the 1st and the reviews so far have been very positive and hugely encouraging. I think this one on The Bookbag was my favourite.

Also, because the novel has been part of Amazon’s 100 ebooks for £2.99 or less promotion, it’s been permanently in and around the top 1000 books in all of Kindleland. If you haven’t already, you can still buy Angelica for just 99p. Imagine!

On to the paperback, which comes out 1 September. Though it’s obviously lovely to have people reading the book on their e-wotsits, this is what I’ve been really looking forward to. And I’m having a launch party!

If you’re in Sheffield or happy to travel, I’d like to formally invite you to the official launch of A is for Angelica, which takes place at The Lantern Theatre on the 6 September.

There’ll be wine, nibbles and I’ll be reading a couple of extracts from the novel, as well as talking about how it came to be. You’ll also get to hear from the brilliant Jonathan Wilkinson, the acclaimed artist responsible for designing the cover.

Sound good? Excellent. If you’d like to come, all you need to do is head to this special page on Eventbrite and register. Don’t panic. It’s completely free!

That’s it!


Draft Mode

Iain Broome Twitter

I'm the author of the novel, A is for Angelica. Every week, I send Draft Mode, a newsletter full of tips and tools that help you improve your craft and promote your writing.

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