People like stickers

Last month I ordered 50 stickers with my company logo on it almost entirely because they were on sale from the ace Sticker Mule (get $10 credit if you want to bag some stickers of your own).
They arrived and they look rather snazzy. Turns out they are a good talking point and conversation starter.
Anyway, I posted the above picture on Instagram and Twitter and half-joking asked if anyone would like one. And far more people than expected said that they would!
So I make the same offer here. If you would like a Very Meta sticker, just reply to this email and let me know!
Enjoy the links!

On Day-Jobs And Starving Artists
Most authors have day jobs. Most authors, even those that appear successful, are not making anything like a decent wage from their writing. It’s why I think the Patreon model and similar will become more and more popular.
Jerry Saltz’s 33 Rules for Being an Artist
Blimey – this is packed with gems and there is a surprising amount of practical advice in there too. It’s primarily for artist-artists, but a lot of it is applicable to any creative pursuit.
What Should I Do If I’m Ashamed of My Published Work?
I know a couple of people who aren’t that fond of their early writing. Really though, this article is about accepting that your work should improve and to embrace the longer process of, you know, getting better.
How to write a great pitch letter to an agent
You think the hard work ends when you finish writing your book, but putting together a cover letter (and synopsis) is very tricky indeed. This post is full of good tips on how to do it right.
Split view in new version of Ulysses writing app
Ulysses is my writing app of choice for fiction and blog posts (Google Docs for most client work). There is a new version coming soon and I rather like the look of this split view feature.
5 Mac Outliners to Help You Organize Your Projects and Ideas
Do you outline your writing (or anything else)? If you have a Mac then you might want to take a look at this list of apps. Suggested by reader @Clew_less no less – please send me your links!
More Companies Should Hire Fiction Writers
I mean, I get the idea that fiction writers have a way of thinking and working on a problem, but would that translate to any old job? I’m not convinced. Interesting notion though.

It’s a lamp shaped like a house. And a book rest that keeps your page. What’s not to like about that?
Mad Men but with All the Cigarettes Replaced by Kazoos
No commentary required.
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