Nathan Filer reviews A is for Angelica for Metro UK

Fresh from scooping the Costa Book Award for his debut novel, The Shock of the Fall, Nathan Filer has included my own debut novel, A is for Angelica, in a piece for the Metro here in the UK. If you can’t read the text in the picture above, here’s what he has to say:

This is a brilliant dark comedy, with beautiful moments of pathos. It concerns the daily life of Gordon Kingdom, a rather fussy and repressed little man who still we cannot help but like. Gordon has a problem at home which he can’t quite face – so he looks outwards, spying on his neighbours, keeping meticulous notes. Never again will I see a twitching curtain in quite the same way.

I’m lucky to have got to know Nathan a little over the last year, but even before then he was a great advocate for Angelica. I can’t tell you how much difference national coverage like this makes, so I am extremely pleased and grateful. You can find out more about A is for Angelica over on my very special page for the book.

Update: The full piece is now available on the Metro UK site.